Volleyball club CSKA has a new silver partner – The Five Point Zero Group
5.0 is an innovative company that looks to the future and clearly outlines its main goal – to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly practices that will guarantee future generations a cleaner environment and unlimited opportunities for development.
The company develops and supports renewable energy projects not only in Germany. With its activity 5.0 strives to make electricity, produced from renewable sources, much more accessible to more people.
Recognizing the importance for young people around the world to get stable and high-quality education, 5.0 is also co-founder and shareholder of the German Academy of Digital Education (DADB). DADB produces higher Education online courses and brings German engineering into the new, upcoming markets.
Volleyball club CSKA welcomes its new partner. Sport has an important social function, and we believe that with our cooperation we will contribute to the promotion of the benefits of sports and active life, as part of the care for the good physical and mental health of any society.